Monday, November 8, 2010

October … the New May

It seems like yesterday when every weekend in May was filled with weddings. Now, every weekend in October is filled with weddings. Why is that? How did October become the new May? I guess is Northern California, the weather in May could be as crummy or as fabulous as the weather in October. October has seen some of the greatest sunny weekends over the last few years, which could possibly be the answer. According to, December is the most popular month for wedding proposals. Could this be another reason why October is the new May? Quite possibly! If more people are getting engaged in December, perhaps they don’t want to wait an entire year and a half until the big day. If that is the case, then October would give them 10 months to plan and that sounds like the perfect length of an engagement to me. So, leave those October weekends open … I am sure that there is a save-the-date or two in the mail with your name on it!


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